On May 10, 2012, Ken Smith was the guest speaker at the John R Massey Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #152 meeting. It was a wonderful evening in downtown Fayetteville, Tennessee (hometown of the artist). The artist wishes to thank those who attended – both members and the general public.
Ken Smith (left) is presented with a copy of a local history book, presented by the SCV Camp #152.
His presentation was based on the creation of
At First Light and all that went into the final painting. This included the research, model construction (using landscape models made from board and clay, evolving into using Google Sketch-up to understand the landscape of 1863 Knoxville), traveling to find the right type of uniforms and cannon, and the actual painting of the piece. He also discussed the history of the moment he choose to depict in this Civil War-themed painting and the current changes in the actual site.
This presentation is available to other organizations, schools, and groups Please contact us at
ksmith@kensmithhistoricalart.com for more information.